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Red River Valley Genealogical Society

North Dakota Cemetery Records

Cemetery books can be purchased by going to RRVGS Publications for Sale.

Individual Cemetery Records for $2.00 per Surname
               ($2.00 does not include postage of 50 cents per item)

Red River Valley Genealogical Society has copied headstone inscriptions for counties in North Dakota and Minnesota listed on our home page. Most indexes of these inscriptions can be found at http://www.ndgenweb.org/table.htm. Please visit that web site and locate your relative, write down the relevant information listed there which should include the county name, Date of Death and/or Birth if known and your relative.

Order Through Paypal, it's safe and secure

North Dakota County
Minnesota County
Ancestor's Name
Date or Year of Death
Place of Burial

Order by Mail

You can either pay by PayPal above or mail your request and a check or money order to us in which case our fee is $2 per page for each surname and you provide a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope).

Send RRVGS the relevant information recorded from the U.S. Gen Web site and we will research our library for the cemetery records. If we can't find any cemetery records for your relatives, RRVGS will also notify you. 

We do require that the payment be made in advance. Please include payment with your research request and the self addressed stamped envelope and mail to:

Red River Valley Genealogical Society
PO Box 9284
Fargo, ND 58106-9284.

Unable  to Locate an Index for your Relative

If you do not know the county for the cemetery of your relative and it is in our service area, you could still request a manual search by our volunteers of our cemetery and other records for an initial cost of $30 for the first two (2) hours and $15 for each additional hour.  

Note: Clik here for our  Genealogical Record Search if County unknown!

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